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A Godly Mother

Writer's picture: Soyini WarnerSoyini Warner

Mothers are often very highly spoken of in society. They are considered irreplaceable in their families. A mother can  really set the tone for their child’s life and it’s imperative that they set a godly one. 

Why is it important to be a mother who knows God?

  1. He is the One that gives you what you need to raise your child well. 

The Bible says in 2 Peter 1:3a that, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life…” In Christ, mothers are fully equipped to lead a godly life, as well as to raise their children in a godly way. The world wants us to think that in and of ourselves, we are sufficient. But it is only by living for the One, true God, that we have all we need to successfully make it through life here on earth. It is only with God, that mothers are able to raise godly children in a broken and evil world. Apart from God, we can do nothing  (John 15:5). 

  1. God is able to keep your child in every way. 

We are mortal, which means we are limited in what we can do. God is not. He is able to be present everywhere. He is all-knowing and all powerful. He can be with your child at school, when you cannot. He can watch over your child at night while you sleep. He can protect your child from harm in ways that you cannot. God is able to completely protect and provide for the child that He has blessed you with. Not having God as your heavenly Father robs you and your child of the grace, mercy and favor that He provides to His children. With God in your life, your child will benefit from the scriptures and experiences that you share and the prayers that you offer up. Children need mothers who read the Word of God, and who pray to God about everything. They need mothers who set godly examples for them to follow. They need mothers who love Jesus and who can show them how to do the same. Being in Christ has far reaching effects and there is no downside to living for God. 

  1. It’s a direct stand against mainstream culture. 

Mothers have to be careful not to allow the culture that they live in to dictate the kind of people that their children turn out to be. God said that parents are to train up a child in the way they should go, so that when they are older they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). The “way” being spoken of here is the way of the Lord. It is important for mothers to teach their children the will of God and have them mimic the example of Jesus. Mothers do this by living it out themselves, and by actively teaching their children the Word of God. Are you teaching your child to dress immodestly, to gossip about others, to curse and to be vulgar? Or are you teaching them to honor God with their bodies, to lead holy lives,  and to bless and not curse? Are you letting the music, movies, ideologies and corruption of the world mold your child, or are you actively fighting against the evil of this world by living for God and raising your child to be godly? When a mother knows the Lord, she is able to train up her children in the way of the Lord. 

God doesn’t just want the mommies who are good examples, He wants the mommies who didn’t start well but are determined to end well by coming to Jesus. You can never lose by coming to Jesus. Even if you weren’t saved before you  had children, even if you didn’t become a Christian young, God wants you to come to Him. Humbly come to Jesus. He has the power to redeem anyone who comes to Him. This will be the best decision you ever make, not just for you but also for your children.



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